The Musicians of the Orchestra

The Musicians of the Orchestra

Liam Kaplan

  • Department: Piano
  • Job title: leiðari
Píanóleikarinn og tónskáldið Liam Kaplan hóf störf við Sinfóníuhljómsveit Íslands 2024. Liam hefur komið fram á ýmsum tónleikaröðum á Íslandi, þar á meðal Tíbrá í Salnum Kopavogi, með Kammermúsikklúbbinum og 15:15. Hann hefur komið fram sem einleikari með Oberlin Sinfonietta, Oberlin Orchestra, og Aspen Conducting Academy Orchestra. Liam var meðlimur Aspen Contemporary Ensemble árin 2022–23 og hefur hann frumflutt mörg ný verk með þeim. Herdís Mjöll Guðmundsdóttir frumflutti fiðlukonsert Liams með Tim Weiss og Oberlin Contemporary Ensemble árið 2020. Hann hefur gefið út tvær einleiksplötur sem innihalda seinni hluta Das Wohltemperierte Klavier og Goldberg tilbrigðin eftir J.S. Bach. Seinni plata Liams inniheldur einnig 8 Prelúdíur eftir hann sjálfan og Orpheus Suite eftir Elizabeth Ogonek. Liam lauk bakkalárgráðu við Oberlin Conservatory þar sem hann lærði píanóleik hjá Alvin Chow og tónsmíði hjá Stephen Hartke. Ásamt því að vera píanóleikari, vinnur Liam sem útsetjari og nótnasmiður fyrir fyrirtæki eins og Boosey & Hawkes og fyrir tónskáldin John Adams og Clarice Assad.


Pianist and composer Liam Kaplan joined the Iceland Symphony Orchestra in 2024 as Principal Pianist. Liam has appeared on several concert series in Iceland including Tíbrá, the Chamber Music Club, and 15:15. He has appeared as soloist with Oberlin Sinfonietta, Oberlin Orchestra, and the Aspen Conducting Academy Orchestra. Liam had the opportunity to premiere many works by leading and upcoming composers as a member of the Aspen Contemporary Ensemble in the 2022 and 2023 seasons. Herdís Mjöll Guðmundsdóttir premiered his Violin Concerto with Tim Weiss and the Oberlin Contemporary Ensemble in 2020. His debut solo album from 2019 features the second volume of Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier, and in 2020 he followed up with a recording of Bach's Goldberg Variations along with his own 8 Preludes and Orpheus Suite by Elizabeth Ogonek. Liam completed his Bachelor of Music degree at Oberlin Conservatory, where he studied piano with Alvin Chow and composition with Stephen Hartke. He is also active as a music editor, engraver and arranger, working with clients including publisher Boosey & Hawkes and composers John Adams and Clarice Assad.