Una and Daníel

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Date Location Price
10 Jun 2021 » 20:00 » Thursday Eldborg | Harpa 2.400 – 5.700 ISK
  • Program

    Þuríður Jónsdóttir Violin concerto – LEIKSLOK (premiere)
    Johannes Brahms Symphony no 2

  • Conductor

    Daníel Bjarnason

  • Soloist

    Una Sveinbjarnardóttir

  • Host

    Árni Heimir Ingólfsson

This programme pairs Johannes Brahms' Symphony no. 2 with the premiere of a new Icelandic violin concerto. Brahms' lyrical and upbeat Symphony no. 2 is regarded as his most cheerful symphony. Icelandic composer Jón Ásgeirsson described it as “chock-full of melodies that sing themselves straight into one's soul.” This bright and optimistic symphony provides the perfect prelude to a lovely summer.

Þuríður Jónsdóttir explores novel soundscapes in her works, which have garnered international attention in recent years. Many of her pieces are supported by electronic sounds, while others feature theatrical elements, sounds from nature, or participation from the audience. One of her most recent works was premiered in Walt Disney Concert Hall in February 2020, to rave reviews. On this programme is a brand-new violin concerto she wrote for Una Sveinbjarnardóttir, third concert master with the Iceland Symphony. Una is nationally known for her inspired playing, both as soloist and as a member of the Siggi String Quartet, which has drawn deserved acclaim. On her solo performance with the orchestra a few years ago, the music critic from Fréttablaðið said it was characterised by “exemplary professionalism, lyrical expression and artistry, and technical brilliance.”

Daníel Bjarnason has developed an outstanding reputation as composer and conductor in recent years. He recently conducted a concert with the Los Angeles Philharmonic, and he conducted the Iceland Symphony on its tour of Germany and Austria in autumn 2019, with splendid results.

Ticket sales and concertgoer's guide
In accordance to local health regulations and to ensure the safety of our patrons, the Eldborg concert hall in Harpa has been divided into several areas, each with a maximum capacity of 100 guests. To ensure space between guests, at least one empty seat will be reserved between each ticket order. We also offer seats that ensure a distance of 2 meters on all sides, but these tickets must be booked through the Harpa ticket office, tel. 528-5050. Read our concertgoer's guide here.