Prokofiev and Mendelssohn

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6 May 2021 » 20:00 - 21:00 » Thursday Eldborg | Harpa 2.400 – 5.700 ISK
  • Program

    Sergei Prokofiev Violin concerto no. 2
    Felix Mendelssohn Symphony no. 4, “Italian”

  • Conductor

    Bjarni Frímann Bjarnason

  • Soloist

    Rannveig Marta Sarc

  • Host

    Árni Heimir Ingólfsson

This programme showcases masterpieces by Prokofiev and Mendelssohn performed under the direction of Bjarni Frímann Bjarnason, who has garnered deserved attention and delighted audiences with his performances.

Rannveig Marta Sarc began studying the violin at age four and has recently completed her master's studies at the Juilliard School in New York. Her outstanding performances have earned her both attention and awards, including the Icelandic Rotary Prize. In terms of her musical talent, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, as Rannveig's mother, Svava Bernharðsdóttir, is a violist with the Iceland Symphony. On this programme, Rannveig performs Prokofiev's Violin Concerto no. 2, in which the composer puts the lyrical possibilities of the instrument on full display.

Rounding out the programme is Mendelssohn's Symphony no. 4, also named the Italian Symphony. In 1830 Mendelssohn toured Italy and wrote the symphony under the influence of his journey. The work was a tremendous success, and Mendelssohn described it as “the jolliest piece I have so far written … and the most mature thing I have ever done.”

Ticket sales and concertgoer's guide
In accordance to local health regulations and to ensure the safety of our patrons, the Eldborg concert hall in Harpa has been divided into several areas, each with a maximum capacity of 100 guests. To ensure space between guests, at least one empty seat will be reserved between each ticket order. We also offer seats that ensure a distance of 2 meters on all sides, but these tickets must be booked through the Harpa ticket office, tel. 528-5050. Read our concertgoer's guide here.